They are everywhere this season: Your family, friends, parents, teachers, co-workers, supermarket employees, cops, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, doctors, hospital employees, veterans and babysitters.
The Warwick Valley Rotary Club is again this year honoring your heroes with its Flag for Heroes program. From Aug. 23 to Sept. 20, Chateau Hathorn again is generously displaying a field of Heroes’ Flags at the corner of County Route 1 and Route 94, just south of Warwick Village.
Because of its popularity, flags will fly for four weeks this year. Prior years flags flew for three weeks.
Because of the pandemic, Warwick Rotary’s Flag for Heroes has a special meaning this year.
“It will be a unique fund raiser so Rotary can help the dozens of community organizations that we support year-round,” said Warwick Valley Rotary President Edward M. Lynch. “Everyone has a hero in their life. Honor yours with an American flag.”
Here’s how you can honor your hero, to purchase a flag. Just send $50 and your hero’s name by Aug. 1. Pay online at www.warwickvalleyrotary.org
For more information, contact Laura.Barca@hdrinc.com or one of your neighbors in Rotary.