Warwick Rotarians donate $1,000 to aid in hurricane disaster relief

| 07 Sep 2017 | 01:58

WARWICK — Warwick Rotarians have donated $1,000 to provide disaster relief for persons affected by Hurricane Harvey and its members have privately donated additional funds to Operation Endeavor.
“During these disasters, we often wonder how to help and which avenue of support will provide the most effective help,” said Warwick Rotary President David Eaton.
He and his 65-member Warwick Valley Rotary Club decided to join with the Liberty Rotary Club is supporting relief efforts of Operation Endeavor, a 501C3 formed to provide training in rescue, emergency medicine and trauma, while supporting public health and safety, EMS system development and disaster preparedness.
The founder and many of the board members of Operation Endeavor are Liberty Rotarians and the teams are medical and disaster relief professionals.
They have the experience and skills needed to assess the personal and medical needs of a community in a disaster and then execute a plan to help.
Learn more about Operation Endeavor at www.911fortheworld.org.<http://www.911fortheworld.org
An Operation Endeavor team flew to Texas to assess the needs and provide help on the ground.
Because the team is Rotary-oriented, part of the intent is to locate a club in or near a community where they can be the most help and to work with that club to be as effective as possible.
The Operation Endeavor team is trained to assess what supplies are needed and to deliver those supplies to the areas where they are needed most.
Among those assisting in the fund-raising effort are Eaton and Judy Siegel, president of Liberty Rotary Club.
"People helping people is what our community is all about. No donation is too small," Eaton said, adding “tax free donations can be made by writing a check to: Warwick Valley Rotary Foundation and put 'Operation Endeavor' on the memo line."