Warwick increases 988 visibility
Warwick. The boost in coverage was part of a collaboration between the town and Warwick Cares.

As September comes to an end, many Warwick residents may have seen an increase in signs highlighting the 988 suicide prevention and mental health crisis line. September is recognized as national Suicide Prevention Month. Thanks to the town of Warwick, in collaboration with Warwick Cares, 50 permanent reflective Warwick Cares/988 signs have now been distributed throughout Warwick and its villages and hamlets.
Judy Battista, one of the primary forces behind the Warwick Cares movement, also shared the success of the traveling 988 banner, which has spent time in Warwick, Florida, Pine Island, and Greenwood Lake. The banner is a collaboration of Warwick Cares, We The People Warwick, Team Up For Hope, and the Warwick Prevention Coalition. Battista said she hoped the banner helped and touched many during its various installations.
For more information, email warwickcaressigns@gmail.com or following the group on Facebook.