Village of Warwick seeks public's opinion

| 04 Oct 2017 | 03:06

    WARWICK — The Village of Warwick Board of Trustees and Warwick Playground Dreams will host a community feedback session about the new playground design for Stanley-Deming Park on Tuesday, Oct. 10, beginning at 7 p.m. at Park Avenue Elementary School.
    Neighbors, parents, children and all members of the community are invited to share their feedback and meet the parent volunteers who make up Warwick Playground Dreams.
    Participants will have the opportunity to get a special walk through of the revised approved schematic design and help generate ideas on how to make the new playground reflect Warwick's culture and history.
    It will also be an opportunity to share thoughts on colors, shapes, and heights of the new playground's structures.
    There has been much discussion over the proposed splash pad that was included in the schematic design. Inclusion of the splash pad in the playground is currently being reviewed by the Village Board.
    The community feedback session is an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts with the Village Board about the pros and cons of the proposed splash pad.
    Warwick Playground Dreams is a non-profit organization made up of a committee of volunteers from all across the town of Warwick who want to rejuvenate the playground in Stanley-Deming Park.
    Its goal is to bring a community-designed, community-built ADA-accessible playground to Warwick.
    For more information, visit Warwick Playground Dreams online at