Show Me the Door winners for 2017 announced

| 26 Sep 2017 | 07:18

WARWICK — One of the many fun Sesquicentennial events this year, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the incorporation of the Village of Warwick, was the Show Me The Door self-guided walking tour on Saturday, Sept. 23.
The event, sponsored this year by Warwick in Bloom and the Sesquicentennial Committee, encouraged business owners to join in a doorway beautification contest called "Show Me the Door."
The judgesThe judges were Deb Krol, committee chair of Warwick in Bloom, committee members Marge King-Porter and Grace Pullen, along with volunteers Bill Signor and Susie Filingeri, began their own tour early that morning and did not return to complete their tabulations until noon.
"Warwick in Bloom," said Krol, "would like to thank all the participants for taking the time and thought in helping us celebrate the Village of Warwick. We would also like to thank those that donated but couldn't participate."
Top three• The best overall award went to Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty. It's display included music, models and vintage memorabilia complimenting its railroad facility theme.
• Caffé a la Mode was judged Most Creative, for its coffee themes from then and now.
• And Bfree won Most Whimsical for a story about the history of the Warwick Valley and a special dream catcher to catch everyone's dreams.
Honorable mentionBusinesses that received honorable mention included Conscious Fork, Diva Dog Pet Boutique, Fannies Farm to Table, Frazzleberries, Greater Hudson Bank and Luci's Beauty Salon.
The mission of Warwick in Bloom is to foster the beautification of the Village and the Town of Warwick for the sake of residents and their visitors.
• For additional information visit or go to Facebook.
- Roger Gavan