Posthumous Liberty Medal awarded to Terry Anderson

Greenwood Lake. The award was announced by State Sen. James Skoufis.

| 21 May 2024 | 03:37

State Sen. James Skoufis joined family and friends of journalist Terry Anderson May 9 at the Associated Press headquarters in Manhattan to memorialize his life and honor him and his family with a Liberty Medal. The Liberty Medal is the highest civilian honor a resident can receive from the New York State Legislature and is awarded to individuals for exceptional and heroic acts.

Anderson served as a combat journalist with the U.S. Marines, serving two tours of duty in Vietnam. Following his return, he received degrees in journalism and political science and returned to the field with The Associated Press. He served first in Asia and Africa, then as chief Middle Eastern correspondent in 1983.

In March 1985, Terry was abducted in Beirut by Hezbollah militants, a response to U.S. involvement in the Lebanese Civil War. He was held for nearly seven years, the longest held Western hostage in the conflict.

Following his release in 1991, Terry taught journalism and supported charitable causes such the Vietnam Children’s fund, the Father Lawrence Jenco Foundation, and the Rumshock Veterans Foundation, which is an Orange County organization that works to create a supportive and collaborative community for veterans in Port Jervis.

“When we consider the price of freedom, which includes an informed society, Terry sacrificed immensely for our country,” Skoufis said. “The responsibility of the fourth estate is never greater than in places and times of conflict. Terry reported first-hand the how, what and why of wars far from home and paid a steep price for his work. He risked his life to bear witness to events across the world, giving voice to the people within the conflict — both the political actors and the civilian population. His service didn’t stop when he retired from reporting, continuing to advocate for the vulnerable among us, and his sense of duty exemplifies the Liberty Medal’s high standard of public service.”

Terry Anderson’s Liberty Medal was presented to his daughter, Sulome Anderson.