Orange County. Commemoration for National Vietnam War Veterans Day planned

The Orange County Veterans Cemetery and the Cemetery of the Highlands will recognize National Vietnam War Veterans Day and commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War with an event on April 1, at the Newburgh Armory from 2 to 4 p.m.
A special pinning ceremony for all Vietnam-era veterans and for surviving families (regardless of their date of death) will be included. Veterans that served from November 1955 to May 1975 and their surviving family members are invited to attend.
The event will provide an opportunity to recognize the veterans and offer the honorable “Thank You” that they may not have received when returning home.
It will be hosted annually through 2025 with a goal of pinning as many Vietnam veterans as possible and is not restricted to Orange County residents.
An organized motorcycle detail led by the Nam Knight’s Motorcycle Club - Orange County Chapter will stage at the Orange County Veterans Cemetery at 11:30 a.m. The roll off will be at 1 p.m. with a direct ride to the armory, located at 321 S. Williams St., Newburgh. There is no fee required to participate in the ride.
An RSVP is required to ensure that there are enough pins. Please call 845-928-9122 or email for information.