Meet WVCSD’s Artist of the Week: Juliet Pulido

Warwick. This Warwick Valley middle schooler has an eye for art.

| 02 Nov 2023 | 03:04

The Warwick Valley Central School District this week highlighted the artistic talent of middle schooler Juliet Pulido for her “impressive knack for creativity and artistic insight, coupled with unstoppable inquisitiveness and enthusiasm.” Her work (and work ethic) have reportedly garnered the attention of both her teachers and peers.

Art teacher Julie Cosco co-taught Pulido’s class last year and described being struck by her good nature and the considerable talents she had already developed.

“I noticed right away that not only did Juliet have such a sweet demeanor, her art was very well done, very nicely put together,” said Cosco. “Now, I’m lucky enough to have her in seventh grade, and she is such a nice addition to the class. She brings this cool combination of friendliness and intensity that her classmates really respond to.”

Pulido said that she has always felt drawn to art and creative pursuits in general, and that she benefitted from growing up with artistic people all around her, specifically her parents Jessica and Pablo, who both have career backgrounds in creative roles and production, and nurture her artistic sensibilities.

“They’re just very creative people, and I feel like I get so many ideas from them,” said Pulido. “I really look up to them in that way.”

Pulido said that while she’s particularly fond of sketching and painting, she enjoys working in all media.

“It’s just that everything is so different,” she said. “The difference from drawing a pumpkin and then flowers, it doesn’t seem like much of a change, but it’s actually really big when it comes to art. That’s why I enjoy Ms. Cosco’s class, we get to try everything.”

Pulido said she finds a lot of inspiration in the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh.

“It’s just such a whimsical style that tells such a big story,” she said. “Everyone sees certain Van Gogh pieces totally different from different perspectives. Each time I look at it, I could see it a different way. I really love that, because I feel like my meaning [as the artist] could go so much further along with another person’s.”

A notable highlight from Pulido’s portfolio is her project inspired by the style of artist/director Tim Burton. She amalgamated various “Burtonesque” elements with her own to create a visually captivating piece. “I love Tim Burton and my dad has always loved The Nightmare Before Christmas,” said Pulido. “So, I kind of learned how [the characters] looked and took little pieces from each work of his.”

She added, “I really started focusing on technique in fifth grade. I’ve always been drawn to the arts and drawing and making things, but I feel like I really started focusing specifically on technique.”

That focus has continued into middle school and grown, as Pulido has also taken up private art classes at Pura Vida Art in Warwick. But her talent doesn’t stop at visual art. Pulido has been playing the viola in school since fourth grade. She also studies piano with a private teacher outside of school, and is self-taught on the ukulele and guitar.

She joined Ukulele Club this year, and their first performance is among the many things she is looking forward to this year, along with eagerly anticipated projects utilizing clay and papier-mâché.