Goshen. Orange County Health Department administers COVID-19 vaccinations to residents

The Orange County Health Department’s Health Department in collaboration with its Medical Reserve Corps Unit (MRC), the Department of Emergency Services and local medical providers administered the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination to approximately 1,000 residents on Thursday, Jan. 21.
“Orange County continues to administer 100 percent of the vaccination provided to us by the State,” County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus said. “The County has the capacity to vaccinate thousands of residents each week but supplies from the State and Federal Governments have been limited. My office will continue to advocate for Orange County residents, requesting that an adequate supply for those who want to be vaccinated be made available by the State.”
The County’s POD on Thursday was held at a county facility on Hatfield Lane with vaccines allocated by New York State. Orange County previously received and administered more than 1,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine at the Emergency Services Center over the last two weeks.
At this time, residents in Phase 1A and 1B of the State’s Phased Distribution Plan are eligible to be vaccinated. For more information, go to covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/phased-distribution-vaccine#phase-1a
New York State has established state-operated sites across the state - residents can utilize the State’s online “Am I Eligible?” tool at https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/ to determine if they are currently eligible for vaccinations and, if so, will see a list of those state-operated locations where appointments may be available. New York State also has begun limited distribution of the vaccine to various pharmacy locations throughout the State.
Please note, appointments cannot be made by calling the Orange County Health Department’s Information Call Center as appointments must currently be made through a state-operated online registration system. New York State’s COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline, 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829), is available to make appointments at New York State-run vaccination sites.