David Eaton heads Warwick Rotarians

| 03 Jul 2017 | 11:53

— David Eaton, retired businessman, 15-year Warwick School Board member and former president, will serve as Warwick Valley Rotary Club president in 2017-2018.
Eaton, who also is on the board of BOCES, was sworn in June 30 during the service organization’s 41st annual installation ceremony.
Warwick dentist Dr. Edwin Wiley will take over as president-elect of the 66-member service organization. Tina Buck, Warwick branch manager of Key Bank, will serve a second term as vice president.
Other officers for 2017-2018 include Natalia Fisher, treasurer; Mary McClurg, assistant treasurer; Laura Barca, recording secretary; Patti Lurye-Dempster, corresponding secretary; and Katie Hansen, past president.
Elected to the board of directors are Stan Martin and Leo Kaytes Sr., community service co-chairs; Wayne Patterson, club service; Dave Eaton, international service; and John Buckley, vocational service. Additional directors are Leo R. Kaytes Jr., membership service chair; Frank Truatt, public relations; Natalia Fisher, social media; and Edwin Wiley, Rotary Foundation. All terms are for one year.
'The gold standard'Outgoing Rotary District Governor Louis Turpin and incoming Rotary District Governor Jim Damiani shared installation duties. Rotary District 7210 covers eight Mid-Hudson counties.
The district governors praised Warwick Rotarians for setting the “gold standard for the district’s motto of ‘Doing Good and Having Fun.”
During Hansen’s year as president, Warwick Valley Rotary donated to 33 community non-profit groups, 10 domestic and international aid services and provided three $1,500 college scholarships, sponsored five Warwick students to the Rotary Youth Leadership program and provided scholarships for youngsters at Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center.
Baltes honored for his serviceJoe Baltes, a Korean War and Vietnam Air Force pilot and the lone surviving founding member of the Warwick Valley Rotary Club, was honored during a touching tribute. The former club president was presented with a flight jacket for his contributions to his country, community and for his 41 years of service to Rotary.
Three Rotarians from the “Class of 1982,” Stan Martin, Cal Hargis and Ed Wiley, described Baltes as a “quiet hero, soft-spoken leader and a friend to all.”
Hansen, the outgoing president, and Wiley, Warwick’s Rotary Foundation chair, spoke of the many accomplishment of Warwick Rotarians this past year, including the club’s being in the top two in the district in most gift-giving categories, “epitomizing Rotary’s motto of ‘Service Above Self.’”
Hansen presented tokens of her appreciation to her officers, board members and club project leaders. Warwick Paul Harris Fellows, named for the founder of Rotary, were recognized for their contributions to the humanitarian and educational programs of The Rotary Foundation.
Essential informationWarwick Rotarians help sponsor dozens of local projects and organizations through donations and volunteering of time. They also assist in far-reaching projects, including disaster relief, pure water and sanitation projects, Rotaplast for cleft-palate operations and Polio Plus for eradicating polio worldwide
Local Rotarians sponsor the Warwick Valley High School Interact Club, which has more than 100 members. Jeanine Fogler is the Interact advisor.
The Warwick Rotary Club meets every Wednesday noon at The Landmark Inn. Persons interested in membership are invited to attend.