American Legion Post 214 members hear Boys State report by local high school students
Warwick. American Legion Boys State is a week-long program that immerses high school students in citizenship and leadership training.

They all agreed that it was an incredible experience.
During a recent meeting at Warwick's American Legion Post 214, Warwick Valley High School seniors,Adam Lazina, the son of John and Olga Lazina, along with Maximus Berryman, the son of Tim and Debra Berryman, addressed Legion members to report on their experience at Boys State this past summer.
A third student, Vidar Hagerman, the son of Hans and Bernadette Hagerman, was not available that evening but reported on his experience at a later date. .
American Legion Boys State is a week-long program that immerses high school students in citizenship and leadership training.
Legion posts select high school juniors to attend the program. And while there, they learn the practical aspects of government as it exists in New York State and also participate in physical fitness, teamwork and other activities, under the guidance of American Legion counselors and U.S. Marines.
Part of the week-long exercise includes running for a state office and all three students won elections to various public offices.
Berryman, however, who writes for the school paper and is interested in journalism as a career, spent much of his time at Boys State as a reporter.
“I especially appreciated the guidance of the Marines and sharing this experience with 20 other students,” he said. “It definitely built relationships that will last.”
Lazina added: “It was great to work together with young men who have the same interests, and it was a great opportunity for me to step into a leadership role.”
He hopes to receive an appointment to one of the service academies and study aerospace engineering.
“The experience was very beneficial,” said Hagerman. “My dad was in the Army and it was good to hear about the service from other members of the military.”
He plans to continue his education in college but hasn’t decided on a field of study and he may also consider military service.
For additional information about Boys State, call American Legion Post 214 at 986-1290 or visit
- Roger Gavan