In brief

School district asks parents to consider the guidelines before requesting a school bus stop change Warwick When creating bus routes, the Warwick Valley School District follows the guidelines set forth by the New York State Education Department. The guidelines indicate that the district is responsible for creating a safe bus stop. These guidelines also indicate that parents are responsible for their children as they travel to and from their respective bus stops. A great deal of time was spent this year consolidating bus stops, which saves money and allows the district to maximize the use of its fleet, district officials said in a press release about the bus route guidelines. Current school board policy states that no student will be required to walk more than the following distances: Grades K-4: 1/10 mile Grades 5-8: 3/10 mile Grades 9-12: 5/10 mile. It is impossible, in the current economic situation, to offer door-to-door bus service. A bus stop review form is available on the school Web site for parents who may have safety concerns over their child’s bus stop assignment. An example of an unsafe bus stop may include a stop on a high speed roadway with limited visibility to the driver or the motoring public, a stop near a railroad crossing or a stop on or near a blind curve. “While we understand the challenges parents face on a daily basis, the following do not warrant a change of bus stop,” district officials said in the press release. “Not being able to see your child from your home while he/she waits for the bus, working parents who cannot walk their children to the bus, wildlife such as coyote or bear in the neighborhood, elderly grandparents as child care providers who cannot walk a child to an intersection, younger siblings in the home, not getting along with the neighbor, day care provider who cannot walk to bus stop due to other children in the facility, darkness, weather, no sidewalks, the stop was there last year or various health issues with members residing in the home. “Please consider these guidelines before submitting paperwork that states your child’s bus stop is not safe.” Library extends hours on Friday evening Warwick The Board of the Albert Wisner Public Library announces that Friday evening hours at the library will be extended from 5 to 7 p.m. beginning Sept. 9. This comes at the conclusion of a very busy summer at the Library where the Board extended summer hours to include noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays. In the past the library was closed on Sundays in the summer. “The library is happy to respond the community’s request that we expand our Friday hours” Library Director Rosemary Cooper said in a press release announcing the new hours. Elks schedule community volunteer rally in Greenwood Lake Greenwood Lake The Greenwood Lake Elks Lodge #2067 will hosting a community volunteer rally on Saturday, Sept. 18, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Lodge located at 35 Chestnut St. in Greenwood Lake. The purpose of this rally is to bring awareness to the community about the many volunteer organizations within the village. Each organization represented will have an information station that will explain what its purpose is, how the organization operates and the benefits of membership. Groups also will be recruiting new volunteers. Live entertainment will be provided by DJ Johnny C; reasonably priced food and beverages will be available, along with raffles. For more information, contact Sharon Gehler at 845-477-2067 after 4 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. Get a complimentary massage along with your fresh produce at Saturday’s Pine Island Black Dirt Farmers Market Pine Island There is always something happening at the Pine Island Black Dirt Farmers Market. And Saturday, Sept. 3 is no exception. Come on down for a complimentary 10-minute massage by local business owner and state licensed massage therapist Marina Smith and enjoy a 20 percent discount on any massages booked that day. In addition to highlighting local farmers and businesses, the Pine Island Chamber also strives to bring awareness to area causes. Community Partner and local resident Dara Breitkopf will be on hand raising funds and awareness for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Research. The market runs Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Oct. 8 at Pine Island Park. Visit for more information and a list of upcoming events.