Gov. Cuomo visits Warwick for private fund raiser

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:03

Warwick — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo quietly slipped into Warwick on Friday evening, Oct. 21. Cuomo, however, was not on official business. He was the guest speaker at a reception and fund raiser held in his behalf at the home of Warwick developer Jonah Mandelbaum and his wife, Donna Applegate. Although Mandelbaum is a Republican and known for supporting that party’s candidates, he has personally known Cuomo for almost three years and supported him in last year’s election. At the time he said that Cuomo was the best candidate considering the state’s financial crisis. “He’s been a good governor,” said Mandelbaum, “and I believe he was the best person for the job. He actually does what he says he will do.” Although progressive on social issues, Cuomo ran on a fiscally conservative platform that included reducing and streamlining state government, lowering the high cost of doing business and a regulatory reform cap on state spending. The governor also advocated freezing the salaries of state employees, a cap on local property taxes and no increase in personal or corporate income taxes or sales taxes plus tax credits to businesses. “The people at this reception,” said Mandelbaum, “were the leaders in our community and they represented all political persuasions.” There were almost 100 guests at the reception including well-known dignitaries such as cable magnate and developer Alan Gerry, who built the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. And many of the business leaders and local officials attending described themselves as Republicans or Independents as well as Democrats. During his address, Cuomo told his audience that his top priorities were putting New York back to work again and making sure Albany functions properly. He’s been a good governor and I believe he was the best person for the job. He actually does what he says he will do.” Developer Jonah Mandelbaum, who held a fund raiser at his home in Warwick for Gov. Andrew Cuomo