CVS begins long-awaited improvements
WARWICK-There was much going on at CVS this week. Nearby residents could see and hear the backhoe ripping up blacktop in the parking lot. There were sidewalks being prepared. All of this the result of a court order received a couple of years ago. In January 2003, a state Supreme Court judge in Orange County ruled that the village's zoning, requiring CVS to obtain site plan approval from the Planning Board before taking over the former Grand Union building, was illegal. That opened the way for the drugstore giant to move in. The store opened in July of that year. Part of that decision, though, was that CVS was to make improvements to the property and the surrounding area. Soon, there will be a much more level parking lot for customers, as new blacktop will be laid. And sidewalks will be installed on both Welling and Spring Street. Additional lighting is planned as well. "I have spoken with the engineer. It took time to get the plan in place," said Mayor Michael Newhard. "But I'm pleased with it." The work is expected to take about a month to complete, according to the mayor.