Applefest events list
Macintosh/Lewis Park Gravikord Duo 10 AM - 3 PM New Folk Chamber Jazz The Ric Skinner Vendra 3 - 5PM Jonagold/South Street (at Country Tire) Full Plate 10 AM - 1 PM R&B, Funk, Blues Cuzlogic 2 - 5 PM Rock Alternative Cortland/Kuiken Bros. Apple Pie Contest Submissions 10 - 11:30 AM Results Announced 1 PM Farmers Market All day Farm fresh products Reflections 10 AM - 1 PM Mood Ring 2 - 5PM NY Red Delicious/ Railroad Ave. Sarah Morr Band 10 AM - 1 PM Diamondhead 2 - 5 PM South Street Bridge Apple Pie Sale after Contest Judging at 1 PM (while supply lasts) Empire/Stanley-Deming Dance Dañamaria Kindermusik Free Demo 10-11 AM (Ages 0-5, music, movement & storytelling) Children's company 11-11:30 AM Technical demonstration Children's company 11:30-12:30 PM Performances and improvisation Dance Dañamaria 1-2 PM Performances of "The Cry" and of "And the Mountain Said" Dance Dañamaria 2 - 2:30 PM improvisational performances Kindermusik Free Demo 2:30-3 PM (Ages 0-5, music, movement & storytelling) Dance Dañamaria is committed to educating communities about Modern Dance and its benefit to our society through performances, workshops, and lectures. Caboose Applefest 2004 Tee Shirt Sale (while supply lasts) with award-winning design from artist Patrick Gannon