Annual Warwick Valley Humane Society's garage sale draws record crowds

WARWICK The weather helped. On Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 3 and 4, the Labor Day rain held off just long enough for the Warwick Valley Humane Society to hold its annual garage sale at the Society’s Animal Shelter just off Kings Highway. Although proceeds were short of last year’s all time high of over $14, 000, the sale, which drew a record crowd this year, grossed a respectable although somewhat disappointing $8,500. “I think the economy and the hurricane contributed to us making less than in recent years,” said Suzyn Barron, president of the Warwick Valley Humane Society. “With high vet, energy and gasoline bills, we were counting on a higher number to pay off our debts.” The annual Labor Day Weekend Garage Sale takes eight months of preparation, mainly by the Society’s Vice President Celia Ross. “Two days of last minute preparations by Celia, her husband Walter and me,” said Barron, “are very labor intensive and so we enlisted the brawn and stamina of board members’ husbands.” The Society plans to try new events to raise more of the necessary funds to keep the shelter doors open. The Shelter currently cares for over 200 unwanted pets and desperately needs the continued support of the community with contributions and donations of supplies such as bleach, simple green cleaner, garbage bags, dish/laundry detergent, wood pellets for litter and canned ground cat food. However, no dry food is needed. “From my heart,” said Barron, “a most appreciative thank you to Celia for all of the incredible and nearly one woman garage sale shows and to Walter for taking on the electronics and appliance departments as well as always offering a helping hand. These two volunteers have given countless fundraising hours to our organization making the annual garage sale one of Warwick’s great events.” For additional information about the Warwick Valley Humane Society call 986-2473 or visit: