Advertiser story prompts volunteer restoration of kennel roof

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:15

New structure survives Tropical Storm Irene and pre-Halloween snowstorm Warwick — Early last February The Warwick Advertiser reported that one of the Warwick Valley Humane Society Animal Shelter’s outdoor kennel roofs had just collapsed under the weight of ice and snow. Five kennels and a 50-foot section of the perimeter fencing had been destroyed. The dogs were all indoors at the time but the importance of that roof was that it was necessary to protect dogs, who would be outside during the warmer weather, from a rain shower and the heat of the sun. And the casualty also meant another unexpected expense for the cash-strapped society. Suzyn Barron, president of the Warwick Valley Humane Society, was hopeful that when the story appeared generous citizens would send in donations to its building fund to repair the damage and help rebuild the kennels and fencing. She wasn’t disappointed. After the article appeared volunteers and area business owners immediately came to the rescue with donations of free labor and contributions of cash and materials. Contributors Westtown contractor David Cutler came forward with an offer to replace the roof. He is a pole barn specialist. Specht’s Auto Recycling Corporation in Warwick donated a 30-yard Dumpster to handle the debris from the collapse. Roe Brothers in the Village of Florida donated and delivered lumber materials valued at more than $1,000. Mid-State Lumber in Warwick delivered expensive support beams free of charge and Greenwood Lake Lumber donated and delivered additional building materials. More than a dozen individual volunteers provided free labor as general helpers. Donations came in from many individuals and organizations including Warwick Valley Rotary, Golden Hill Elementary School, Northern Windows & Siding and St. Mary’s in Tuxedo. A “raise the roof” benefit by the Warwick Fire Department Auxiliary raised nearly $5,000 to help restore the platform. “We received wonderful support from our community and beyond,” said Barron. “Our canine guests could once again enjoy the outdoors, breaking the monotony of being caged inside. The outdoor runs allow for exercise of their minds and bodies and helps to keep them from going crazy while waiting for their second and sometimes third chance for a lasting home.” Barron added that the new structure had survived Tropical Storm Irene and a pre-Halloween snowstorm. “ David Cutler’s roof isn’t going anywhere,” said Barron. “Our dogs were able to enjoy the summer and fall with shade and we are grateful to all those who gave their time, expertise and labor.” The Warwick Valley Humane Society has been managing the Warwick animal shelter for more than 40 years. It provides the contractual services of animal control to the towns of Warwick and Chester. Animal control officers handle animal complaints and respond to animal related emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To offer a donation call the Warwick Valley Humane Society at 986-2473. - Roger Gavan