Warwick schools web site offers new community features

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:33

    Warwick — The Warwick Valley School District has created a set of pages designed to strengthen the connection between the District and the community on its recently redesigned web site These pages will allow local non-profit organizations to share information with the community. Visit the District website at www.warwickvalleyschools.com and click on these related pages in the Community Corner box at the lower left: Community Corner page Warwick has many active non-profit organizations and school booster clubs. The Community Corner page is a place to share community news as well as promote non-profit activities and events. Organizations wishing to promote events, activities, programs, etc. via WVCSD Communications should first refer to the guidelines sheet linked on the Community Corner page. If your promotion fits these guidelines, send information in PDF format to lhutchison@wvcsd.org. Student Volunteer Opportunities page Organizations may need occasional or regular assistance from student volunteers. The Student Volunteer Opportunities page aims to connect businesses and local organizations who need volunteers with students who wish to serve as volunteers. To submit a volunteer posting, go to the Student Volunteer Opportunities page and click on the provided link to download the “Community Service/Volunteers Needed” form. Volunteer opportunities will be posted on the Student Volunteer Opportunities page and interested students will get in touch with the contact person listed. District e-backpack for Community Flyers page In an effort to save paper and the time of teachers and office staff, flyers for non-profit community organizations will now be posted on the District e-backpack page instead of schoolwide distribution in classes. If your promotion fits the guidelines sheet linked on the Community Corner page, send information in PDF format to lhutchison@wvcsd.org. School News Notifier (SNN) notification option - Community News SNN is an optional notification system for school district news. Go to the home page of the web site for information and to sign up. Parents are reminded to review and change options if their child moved to a different school building this year.