College graduation news

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:51

    The following local residents have graduated from college: • Joseph McCormack of Chester was among the 66 members of the University of Scranton's undergraduate class of 2005 recognized for their achievement during the university's commencement exercises. He received the Excellence in Economics Award from the university's Kania School of Management. A graduate of Monroe-Woodbury High School, McCormack earned a bachelor's degree in economics with a minor in math and finance. He is a member of the economics honor society, the finance club, the business club, the committee of responsible investing, the portfolio of responsible investments, student managed group and the pre-law society. He also tutored other students in the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, serve as an economic lab supervisor and was treasurer/secretary of Omicron Delta Epsilon. He also attended the Entrepreneurship Institute in 2004 and 2005. He has accepted a position as a financial consultant for Factset in Norwalk, Conn. He plans to pursue a master of business administration degree and a doctorate. • Brian Leary, son of Barbara and Greg Leary of Warwick, graduated Cum Laude from Pittsburgh State University on May 14 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Childhood Education - Grades 1-6 - with a concentration in English. He will attend Mt. Saint Mary College in Newburgh in the fall where he will pursue Master's degrees in Special Education and Literacy. • Marie McKiernan, daughter of Chris and Kevin McKiernan of Warwick, has graduated from Cornell University with a degree in biological sciences; she also was named to the dean's list for Spring 2005. She is currently working under a fellowship doing dental research at the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey. • Rachel Whiting, a year 2000 graduate of Warwick Valley High School, graduated with a Masters of Science in Finance and Applied Economics from the University of California at Santa Cruz on June 11. She has accepted a position in San Francisco at Deloitte and Touche.