Warwick. Scouts place more than 1,600 flags at the gravesites of local veterans in local cemeteries

On Saturday, May 22, members of Boy Scout Troop 45 placed American flags at the gravesites of local veterans.
Each year flags are also placed at veterans’ graves in many smaller and private cemeteries within the Town of Warwick.
The annual operation, shared by American Legion Post 214 veterans and scouts from both Troop 38 and Troop 45, has been conducted each year in preparation for upcoming Memorial Day ceremonies, which will be on this Monday, May 31.
But this year, in a departure from the usual tradition, the scouts placed all the flags at Warwick and St. Stephen’s cemeteries and the veterans placed flags in the smaller and private cemeteries.
More than 1,600 flags are placed in all local cemeteries.
If anyone knows of a veteran whose gravesite at St. Stephen’s Cemetery, Warwick Cemetery or any local cemetery did not receive a flag, they are asked to call American Legion Post 214 at 986-1290.
- Roger Gavan