Warwick lottery coming for 95 universal pre-kindergarten slots
Warwick. A link to sign up for the lottery will be available on the district website for Warwick residents until May 16 for places in four day care centers. The lottery will be on May 25.

Warwick Valley School District was recently awarded a grant for a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program for the 2022-2023 school year that enables the district to make available 95 UPK slots. The district had issued a Request for Proposals in February to certified Pre-K collaborating agencies, and the result was that four facilities will be working with the district to host UPK students at no cost to parents.
The UPK program will operate for five hours per day, five days a week, for 180 days. UPK is open to children who are residents of Warwick Valley Central School District, and who will be four years old before December 1, 2022. Proof of residency is required.
The four locations working with WVCSD next school year are:
Warwick Day Care Center: 23 available slots18 Grand Street, Warwick (Mount Alverno Site)
The Village Childcare: 22 available slots, 95 Kings Highway, Warwick (Good Shepard Church)
The Village Childcare: 40 available slots, 199 Kings Highway, Warwick (Old Kings Elementary School)
Mini Me Child Care: 10 available slots, 75 Sanfordville Road (St. Stephen’s Site)
As required by state regulations, the district will hold a lottery to award the available slots. A UPK lottery sign-up link was posted on the WVCSD website at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, April 22, and will remain open until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May 16. All documents required for the two-step UPK registration process must be provided by that date/time.
The lottery will take place on May 25, 2022, and parents of the selected students will be notified by June 3, 2022.
For information on the UPK program, including all details and requirements, answers to frequently asked questions, and application and registration links, visit www.warwickvalleyschools.com