Zoom. Join a conversation about the Ritchie Boys Project with Dr. David Frey

A conversation with Dr. David Frey about the significance of diversity and immigrants to our nation will be hosted by the Jewish Federation of Orange County on Sunday, Nov. 7, at 2 p.m. at Kol Yisrael, 290 North St., Newburgh.
Frey is a professor of history and director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the United States Military Academy. His most recent research has centered on the Ritchie Boys Project.
German-Jewish men who had immigrated to the United States prior to World War II were enlisted by the Army and sent to Camp Ritchie, Maryland, for counter-intelligence training. The story of refugees continues to contribute to the defense of our nation.
This is a free event offered both online and in person. Those attending in person must provide proof of vaccination and must wear a mask.
To register, visit jewishorangeny.org/MeetDrDavidFrey. For more information, email Zachor@jewishorangeny.org.