Warwick writers' group celebrates 10 years as local resource
WARWICK-On May 24, 1995, Warwick Valley Writers' Association held its first meeting, offering a sounding board for new and prospective writers. Today, WVWA celebrates the successes of several of its members, past and current, including publication by Publish America of "An Oxford Affair," the newest novel by Joan Corser-Gay, and "Jack In The Pulpit," a novel by L. Guy Burton, published by Xlibris. To commemorate its long-standing relationship with local writers and in honor of its 10th anniversary, WVWA invited as many writers from its 10-year member list as could be located, to a celebration of the art and the artists. Bill and Cindy Leonardi opened up their home for new and old friends of the group to mingle in a relaxed setting. "For the past 10 years Warwick Valley Writers' Association has provided an essential outlet for creative thinkers in the lower Hudson Valley by providing a conduit to connect writers with literary agents, publishers and readers," said Guy Burton, founder of the group. "From our beginning serving Warwick wordsmiths, to our current status which also includes members from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, WVWA has set the standard for the way a writers' group should be organized and operated. We have helped to polish the Works of many writers striving to become published authors." Warwick Valley Writers' Association is open to new members and visitors, meeting every Wednesday at the Warwick Reformed Church from 7 to 10 p.m. No fee is required. Just walk in or call Burton at (845) 986-3906.