Warwick Valley High School Drama Club has announced its 2004-20C5
The Warwick Valley High School Drama Club has announced its 2004-20C5 season. Focusing its entire season on family theater, the Drama Club will first prest at the stage adaptation of E,B. White's classic children's novel, Charlotte's Web, on Frid ly and Saturday, November 19th and 20th, 2004. All the enchanting characters from the no /el are in the show: Wilbur, the irresistible young pig who desperately wants to avoid the butcher; Fern, a girl who understands what animals say to each other; Templeton, t le gluttonous rat who can occasionally be talked into a good deed; the Zuckerman far lily; the Arables; and, most of all, the extraordinary spider, Charlotte, who proves to be i true friend. To accommodate younger audience members, Charlotte's Web will have a: pedal curtain tone of 7 pm, In the spring, the Club will present the big Broadway baseball musical, Pat in Yankees. Damn Yankees follows the story of Joe Boyd, a middle-aged baseball fat atic who trades his soul to the Devil (the charming but devious Mr. Applegate) for a ch ince to lead his favorite team to victory in the pennant race against the New York Yankee:. Light, fast-paced and devilishly clever, Damn Yankees is a home-run hit whose all American subject matter and irreverent sense of humor have brought many sports 1 ans into the theater. Performances are scheduled for Friday, March 11 ,2005 at 8 pm, md Saturday, March 12th, 2005 at 1 pm and 8 pm. The Drama Club's advisor, Nick DiLeo, will direct both productions. Joinii ,g him once again are Maureen Barrett as producer, Barbara Welch and David Crone as ra usical directors, Darlene Wilson as choreographer, and Barbara Glover as technical super risor. Tickets for Charlotte's Web will go on sale Monday, November 1st, and in: nid-Febmary for Damn Yankees. Advance reservations can be made by calling the Drs ma Club's box office at 987*3050, x4100, and following the directions provided on th< recorded message. Based on the enormous turnout for its past productions, residem s are urged to call the box office to reserve their tickets.