Warwick Valley guild's 2012 raffle quilt wins several awards in recent competition

Warwick “Once Upon a Meadow,” the quilt entered by the Warwick Valley Quilter’s Guild in the Brownstone Quilt Guild’s show, took home several prizes, including the Viewer’s Choice award. The competition was held Nov. 11 and 12 in Allendale, N.J. In addition to the Viewer’s Choice, the quilt also took second place in its category (Group and Duet Quilts) and Best Machine Quilting. The quilt was designed by Bonnie Seufert, a guild member from West Milford, N.J., and machine quilted by another guild member, Cheryl Winslow, who also lives in West Milford, N.J. Many guild members participated in the quilting, piecing and appliqué of the individual squares. The quilt will be the first prize in the raffle that will be drawn at the Guild’s Quilt Show, Stars of the Valley, on May 19 and 20. The quilt show will also celebrate the 30th anniversary of the guild. For additional information, visit the guild’s web site at www.wvqg.org.