The Serenade Orchestra plays Pacem in Terris this Sunday

Warwick Pacem in Terris again welcomes The Serenade Orchestra on Sunday, Sept. 18, at 5 p.m. The concert will feature violinists Krista Bennion Feeney and Owen Dalby, violist David Cerutti, Viennese Violone and double bass player John Feeney, and horn players R.J. Kelley and Alexandra Cook. This configuration of instruments was the most popular small orchestra for playing the social music of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Vienna. It specializes in the divertimenti, cassations, marches, waltzes and serenades that were such an integral part of the vibrant music making from Mozart’s day and beyond. Using the same historical instruments that were used to play this music in old Vienna, (gut strings, classical bows and natural horns) imbues it with warmth and intimacy of expression. The program will include “Divertimento in D, Hob.II:22 for Quartet” and “Two Horns” by Joseph Hayden (1732-1809), “Cassatio in D for Violin, Violone and Two Horns” by Johann Matthias Sperger (1750-1812), “Horn Quintet, K.407” by W.A. Mozart (1756-1791), “Die Romantiker Waltzer, Op. 167” by Joseph Lanner (1801-1843), and “Pizzicato Polka” by Johann and Joseph Strauss (1825-1899 and 1827-1870). Pacem in Terris is at 96 Covered Bridge Road, Warwick. No reservations are possible. Tickets go on sale at 4 p.m. Suggested donation is $10.