The Hudson Valley Jazz Festival will host concert on Dec. 10

WARWICK — The Hudson Valley Jazz Festival is pleased to announce the first of a series of year-round events, Sunday, Dec. 10, at 4 p.m.
Hosted by the Warwick Center for The Performing Arts, the festival brings together a mix of art forms into a three-part show.
The Hudson Valley Jazz Ensemble is led by festival director and drummer Steve Rubin, with music educator and saxophonist Bob Rosen, trumpeter and music producer Rick Savage, sought after acoustic and electric bassist Robert Kopec and with Joe and Gabriele Tranchina, pianist and vocalist respectively.
They'll be a jazz performance, a brief dance presentation by Melissa Padham-Maass, director of the center and a dance/ music improv collaborative.
The Warwick Center for The Performing Arts is located at 63 Wheeler St. in the Village of Warwick.
The suggested donation is $15.
For additional information,contact hudsonvalleyjazzfest@gmail or call 917-903-4380.