Painters to draw inspiration from great outdoors

Newburgh Artists will paint outside at SUNY Orange in Newburgh campus from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10. The event is part of the worldwide "Paint Out" sponsored by the International Plein Air Painters. Visitors can watch the artists at work, moving from painter to painter throughout the event. A drumming circle will be held from moon to 1 p.m. as artists show their day's work and visitors picnic on the plaza adjacent to Kaplan Hall. Plein air artists seek natural light and respond to the beauty they find in nature. They work in oils, watercolors, and pastels. Plein air painting developed in France in the mid-19th century and is becoming increasingly popular. Linda Richichi, SUNY Orange adjunct art instructor and regional ambassador for the International Plein Air Painters, will coordinate the event with Dr. Nicole Shea, cultural affairs coordinator at the Newburgh campus. "There is a joy about paintings outdoors, and this is a chance for people to see professional artists at work, developing their paintings in response to the beauty in nature," Richichi said. "Paint Out" events will be held simultaneously at locations around the globe, including Brazil, Canada, and Trinidad, and Tobago. The rain date is Sept. 11. For more information call Shea at 341-9386.