Like to sing?
Come to Harmony In Motion’s Guest Night Sussex County Harmony in Motion presented its show “Monkey Business” on Oct. 2 to a packed Newton High School auditorium. Attendance was 671, and audience members had the chance to hear what Harmony in Motion, an a cappella chorus, is all about. Next up for the chorus is its annual Guest Night, on Monday, Oct. 17 at Bristol Glen on Route 206 south of Newton, beginning at 7 p.m. This is an opportunity for women who may be interested in joining to learn first-hand about this style of four-part harmony, which includes tenor, lead, baritone and bass voice parts. The chorus and its director, Pat Smith, will help future members find their voices. Harmony in Motion always welcomes new singers to their weekly Monday night rehearsals at Bristol Glen. Members come from all walks of life; what they have in common is that they enjoy singing, performing and making new friends. Call Eileen at 973-875-9264 for further information. Visit their website at Funding has been made available in part by the NJ State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council.