Ladies Bridge Marathons winners announced

WARWICK — Winners in three Warwick Friends of the Library Ladies Bridge Marathons for 2016-17 were announced and awarded prizes at a recent luncheon.
For Marathon I, Dolores Gaspari and Cathy Tansrey placed first, Bonnie Kunert and Marilyn Bryan had the second highest score and third prize winners were Virginia McNulty and Liz Holda.
• The team of Kate Lacalamita and Carol Betley were first place winners in Marathon II. Jan Evans and Marilyn Bryan came in second and Linda Quackenbush and Alice Boyle took the third place prize.
• Jan Evans and Shirley Mayewski took the top prize in Marathon III. Claiming the second place were Marilyn Bryan and Daniela Fahey and winners in the third place slot were Cathy Tansey and Virginia McNulty.
• Marathon entrants follow a schedule which tells them whom they will play each month and which team will host the match. A date and time for the match, which consists of 20 hands of bridge, is set at the convenience of the four people playing in that match.
There are usually seven matches in a round played over a year’s time. The marathons emphasize fun and sociability.
There is a $20 entry fee for each player and the proceeds are donated to the Albert Wisner Public Library’s Friends group.
The Friends have sponsored bridge marathons as a fund raiser for more than 40 years. At present, in addition to the three ladies marathons, there is an ongoing couples’ marathon. These marathons contribution to the Friends will be about $1,500 for 2017.
To join a Marathon, call Marilyn Bryan at 987-8313.