Film by Monroe resident Jon Huberth honored with top award at Cannes, France

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:02

Monroe — A film by Monroe resident Jon Huberth captured the Gold Award at the 2011 Cannes Corporate Media and TV Awards Gala in Cannes, France. Huberth was at the black-tie event in Cannes to accept the prize. Produced for Washington and Lee University, Huberth and his team crafted a film about the importance of sustaining the traditions of the university while looking to the future. According to a press release announcing the award, Huberth said his team’s concept “came to life on screen with the performances of Washington and Lee students who recited quotations from past presidents and notable alumni. An inspiring musical score, composed by a Washington and Lee music professor and performed by Washington and Lee students, enhanced the inspirational mood.” The film, “Echoes of the Past, Voices of the Future,” was shot and edited by Zurich cinematographer Michael Spindler who joined Huberth and his partner Vern Oakley at the ceremony. “We wanted to work with Jon and Vern because they are masterful storyteller,” said Jeffery G. Hanna, executive director of communications and public affairs at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va. “They capture the soul of an institution, the essence of its people and mission.” The Cannes Corporate Media and TV Awards had more than 400 submissions from more than 25 countries this year. Only 20 percent of the entrants were found deserving of an award by the international jury of specialists, and Huberth’s film was the only American-made film to receive a Gold award in any of the 30-plus categories. Online To view “Echoes of the Past, Voices of the Future” visit online at The film can be found in the “Main Group Category: A. Corporate Films and Videos, Category A1: Corporate Films, Echoes of the Past, Voices of the Future.”