Farm Aid concert to 'feed those who feed us' to be held Sunday in Warwick
Warwick Black Dirt farmers were devastated by recent floods, which wiped out their crops and their income just before the harvest. Warwick Valley Farm Aid 2011, to be held on Sunday, Sept. 25, at Warwick Valley High School, will raise money for local farmers who suffered great loss. The goal is to raise $25,000 to provide immediate relief to those in need. The event begins at 1 p.m. with an open house featuring family entertainment. Participants will have an opportunity to sign up for a silent auction, sample food from local restaurants, and make donations. Silent auction items will include the work of local artists. A concert featuring popular local bands will take place from 4 to 9 p.m. Please see related article for the line-up. Concert tickets are $25 and can be purchased from local merchants; at the Warwick, Pine Island, and Florida farmers markets; or online at the Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce web site ( Tax-deductible donations are also welcome. Make checks payable to “Community 2000," put “Warwick Farm Aid 2011” as a notation in the memo line, and mail to: Community 2000, Inc., PO Box 1270, Warwick, NY 10990. All proceeds will go directly to local farmers. Local radio station WTBQ (1110 AM and 93.5 FM) will broadcast the concert live. For more information, visit or Warwick Farm Aid 2011 on Facebook.