Everybody's in the groove on Bill Perry Day
Chester. Local musicians treat the community to a tribute worthy of the late great Chester bluesman.

From tiny babies to senior citizens, everyone had a great time at the Bill Perry Day music festival held in Chester on July 28.
Attendees heard some fabulous musicians pay tribute to the late Bill Perry, the legendary bluesman from Chester. Slam Allen drew cheers before he even ascended the stage. He's an internationally renowned entertainer who plays blues, soul, R&B, and a touch of rock and roll. He has been described as having “a voice that echoes Otis Redding, a guitar that immerses you in B. B. King and stage energy reminiscent of James Brown, all while captivating you with his own original music.”
Plenty of local food and beverages were available, including offerings from Rushing Duck Brewing Co., Long Lot Farm Brewery, Meadow Blues Coffee, American House Ice Cream, the Rustic Wheelhouse Restaurant, Christopher's Bistro, and Clayton Delaney’s restaurant.
Members of the Chester Alumni Association was there as well. Chester Historical Society members operated the grill, selling hot dogs and burgers to the happy crowd.