College presents All in the Timing', A collection of short comedies

Middletown The Arts and Communication Department and the Apprentice Players at SUNY Orange will offer six performances of “All In The Timing” by David Ives in Orange Hall Theatre at Orange County Community College in Middletown. The play is a collection of short comedies with a love of wordplay. The key to “All In The Timing” is, indeed, all in the timing. Ives’s six sketches are built on snappy patter, quick-fire comic brilliance, inspired gibberish, and paradoxical plot quirks. The play had an award-winning run off-Broadway at Primary Stages in 1994. Ives provides hilarious moments, moments of insight, and of sheer surrealism. In “Words, Words, Words,” three very New Yorkish chimpanzees at typewriters give glimpses of classical education as well as animal frustration. They are involved in an experiment to see whether they will, by random chance, produce Hamlet. In “The Philadelphia,” a young man finds himself in a metaphysical state where anything he wants, he simply can’t get. Strangest of all, in “Variations on the Death of Trotsky,” the great Russian revolutionary relives his assassination in Mexico. The style is a bizarre blend of Marx brothers sketch and surreal dream, yet it somehow manages, at the end, to bring poignancy. The cast of fifteen consists of Tab L. Merkel, Kyle Griffiths, Alex Fierro, Christine Molter, Jacqueline D. Clark, Mary Lee Shorr, Jess Beveridge, Anne Miggins, Tyler Schlesinger, Jordyn Peterson, Joe Coburn, Dave Marmanillo, Jason Stecher, Lauren Lewis, and Daniel Pellicane. Final rehearsal to benefit hurricane victims The public and local high schools are invited to meet the cast and directors at the final dress rehearsal at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10, with all donations going to victims of Hurricane Katrina. To bring a group to the dress rehearsal, reservations are required. “All In The Timing” will be presented at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, Nov. 11, 12, 18, and 19, and at 3 p.m. on Sundays, Nov. 13 and 20. Reservations are recommended. Tickets are $7 general admission, $5 for faculty, staff and seniors, $2 for students, and free for active duty military. For more information, call 341-4790. For reservations, call 341-4789. Orange Hall Theatre is completely handicapped accessible.