Citizens Foundation collects train memories, stories
Orange County As part of an exhibit focusing on historic Orange County train lines and train stations, the Orange County Citizens Foundation requests that residents send memories and stories about their experiences with trains and train stations in the region. The information will be displayed in the Foundation’s 2011 cultural exhibit, scheduled to open in mid-September. The goal of the project is to connect residents with the county’s history and to provide a better understanding of how and why it developed the way it did. “Orange County’s growth is closely tied to the railroads and this development changed not only Orange County but much of the Northeast,” said Nancy Proyect, president of the Orange County Citizens Foundation. The physical exhibit of the component will include artwork in a variety of mediums depicting the architecture of railroad stations in the county. Historic photos will also be included, as will railroad memorabilia and educational materials. Local memories and stories are an important part of the exhibit, and will be collected and published in a booklet for visitors to take away from the exhibit. Oral histories will be posted on the Foundation’s Web site. “One of the most interesting ways to connect people to their local community is to tell stories and recollect memories of times past,” Proyect said. The exhibit has been designed as a moveable exhibit that will travel around the county to schools, museums, and libraries. A series of lectures and presentations are also planned. Submissions may be e-mailed to or mailed to the Orange County Citizens Foundation at PO Box 525, Sugar Loaf, NY 10981. Please include your name and contact information. Submissions can also be faxed to 469-3145. For questions and more information, call 469-9459.