Blanket Sunday gives comfort to the poor

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:36

    Chester — Blanket Sunday at First Presbyterian Church of Chester will be observed at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16, in the worship service led by the Women’s Council of the church. In spring 2010, the church was commended for its contributions to the Blankets Plus Program sponsored by Church World Service, a cooperative venture among Protestant denominations to provide service and help in areas of disaster and poverty. The program purchases sturdy blankets for $5 and distributes them in areas of crisis in the U.S. and around the world. A blanket seems a small thing in the light of great needs around the world. But in places of poverty, a blanket is a cover against the night cold, a wrapping for a small child, a makeshift tent against the foibles of the weather, a carrying bag for the few things some are able to flee with, or a makeshift stretcher. Anyone who cannot attend Blanket Sunday may send a check to the First Presbyterian Church, 96 Main St., Chester, NY 10918, and mark the check “blankets." For more information, call 631-338-4965.