Arts and Leisure digest
Zumba for a good cause Monroe There will be a Zumba fund raiser, featuring Laura Garcia, at Monroe Woodbury High School on Friday, June 10, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The cost is $10. All proceeds from the event will benefit the all night graduation party. For a ticket, contact Daria Mitchell at 248-111 or Greenwood Lake merchants host Street Fair and tricky tray on June 11 Greenwood Lake The Greenwood Lake Merchants Guild will again be sponsoring the annual Greenwood Lake Street Fair tomorrow, June 11 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Windermere Avenue. Local and visiting merchants will take to the streets to offer a variety of food, fun and wares. New for this year is a Tricky Tray, sponsored by the Greater Greenwood Lake Revitalization Committee, that will be headquartered at the Senior Center at 132 Windermere Avenue. Doors open at 10 a.m. and the drawings will begin at 3 p.m. Prizes include a 32-inch flat screen TV, Mets tickets, Kindle, gift certificates and much more. Proceeds will be used, in part, to help fund the Fourth of July fireworks at the lake, which are scheduled to take place at dusk on Saturday, July 2. To become a vendor, e-mail to To learn more, Free demo on orchid care takes place Saturday Chester Orchid lovers from far and wide filled the room for presentations on basic orchid care at Black Meadow Flora on May 1. “What a thrill,” said Margaret C. Bridge, the presenter and owner of Black Meadow Flora in Chester. “So many orchid lovers in one place! To meet people who care about orchids as much as I do is always simply wonderful. It is especially enjoyable to share my passion with those who have recently discovered orchids. I remember that excitement.” Turnout for the two talks on orchids and their care was outstanding; upwards of 100 people attended the sessions. The standing-room only crowd prompted organizers to plan additional lectures for Saturday, June 11. The discussion will cover general orchid culture, including watering, light requirements, fertilization and repotting. Seating is limited and advance registration is required. To register for one of the two presentations at noon and 3 p.m., call 469-5055. For more information visit Father’s Day brunch at Falkirk to benefit young cancer patients Central Valley A Father’s Day Brunch and Golf Outing to benefit cancer patients Jason Rumsey of Central Valley and Alvina Alliu of Monroe will take place at the Falkirk Country Club in Central Valley on Sunday, June 19, beginning at 10 a.m. Jason, an 11-year-old sixth-grader was diagnosed with leukemia in August 2010. Alvina, a 14-year-old ninth-grader, was diagnosed with brain cancer in May 2010. The event will feature an “all you can eat” buffet, complimentary mimosas (for those over 21) entertainment by Cotton Candy Clowns, balloon animals, magic, face painting and cotton candy. A free golf clinic starts at 2 p.m. followed by a nine hole golf tournament (two man best ball) starting at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $40 per adult and $20 for kids under 13 for brunch and entertainment only. For tickets, call 641-7700. To learn more, visit: Highland Mills UMC to host men’s mini-seminar Highland Mills - The Men’s Ministry of the Highland Mills United Methodist Church will be conducting a men’s mini-seminar on Saturday, July 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The theme will be “How I Met Jesus” and will center on the real life experiences and testimonies of men as they live their lives in a Christian way. A highlight of the program will be special guest speaker Tom Michael Zahradnick from The Sound of Life Radio Network. All men from local churches and the community are invited to the seminar to listen and to share. There is no charge but a free will offering will be accepted from those who wish to contribute. Refreshments will be provided. To allow proper planning, please RSVP by June 15 if you would like to attend by calling 845-774-2473 or e-mail The Highland Mills United Methodist Church is located at 654 Route 32 at Ridge Road, Highland Mills. More information can be found at DeHaan retrospective at Seligmann Gallery Sugar Loaf A 50-year retrospective exhibit of paintings by local resident Patricia DeHaan is on view at the Orange County Citizens Foundation Seligmann Gallery through July 4. A reception for the artist will be held on Sunday, June 12, from 1 to 4 p.m. The collection includes a number of mural-sized abstract expressionist oil paintings that have won numerous awards dating back to the 1970s. DeHaan was quite active in the Westchester art scene decades ago, and was a co-founder of the art group called ABRAXAS, meant to signify the diversity of its 10 member artists and their artwork. She studied at the Art Students League of New York and a number of her pieces adorn the walls of corporate and municipal office buildings. The exhibit is free. Seligmann Gallery is located at 23 White Oak Drive, in Sugar Loaf. For more information call 469-9459 or visit Lions sponsor circus in Greenwood Lake Greenwood Lake The Greenwood Lake Lions Club will sponsor the Kelly Miller Circus at the town field adjacent to the CVS parking lot on Tuesday, June 14. There will be two shows. The times are 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets are $10 for an adult and $6 for a child. On the day of the circus an adult ticket is $15 and a child is $7. Advance tickets are available at Planet Pizza (Greenwood Lake and Monroe), Betty’s Eye Catching Styles, Greenwood True Value, Village Buzz Café, Split Ends Salon and Rader’s Florist. The Greenwood Lake Lions support the police and fire departments, the volunteer ambulance corps, scouting, softball programs, little league, medical alerts, the food pantry, and the middle and high school scholarship funds. Cancer society to host birthday celebration Newburgh The American Cancer Society will host a Birthday Bash at the Powelton Club in Newburgh on Saturday, June 18, to celebrate the 11 million birthdays that cancer will fail to take this year. The gala kicks off at 6 p.m. and will feature entertainment by the Michael Dell Orchestra, in addition to a photo-booth, wine tasting, raffles and a silent auction. Two local volunteers will be honored for their years of service at the Birthday Bash - Cheryl Fisher and Anita Manley. Tickets are still available and can be purchased by visiting the event online at or by calling 452-2932, ext. 9716. Lyme documentary to be screened Wednesday at Goshen Senior Center Goshen Holistic practitioner Fran Sussman will show the documentary “Under Our Skin” at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 15, at the Goshen Senior Center. The documentary is a tale of microbes, medicine and money, exposing the hidden story of Lyme disease, one of today’s most controversial and fastest growing epidemics. Following the stories of patients and physicians fighting for their lives and livelihoods, the film brings into focus a picture of the health care system and a medical establishment all too willing to put profits ahead of patients. Apart from one-on-one consulting, Sussman is a speaker, workshop leader and meditation teacher. She writes a column on Holistic Health for The Times Herald Record, and has frequently been featured as a holistic expert there and in Natural Awakenings magazine. A discussion and Q&A will follow the screening. Registration is required and there is a $5 fee to help cover the cost of the space. Call Linda at Linda’s Office Supplies at 294-3869 for registration and directions. The Goshen Senior Center is located at 100 Trotter Circle, behind the police station.