Not 'his turn': Edelstein misses the point about black dirt floods
To the Editor: In response to Michael R. Edelstein's Irene letter, I believe he is missing the point. I live in the center of the black dirt farming community. Though I do not farm, I see what takes place. Farmers take the time, at their own expense, to clear ditches to allow for drainage. Their efforts to drain into the Wallkill River were futile with Irene's deluge of rain. These farmers are not, however, responsible for the flooding that took place in Warwick, Chester, Goshen and other areas that surround "The Black Dirt" area of Orange County! Everyone wants to be a hero when dealing with nature. But Mr. Edelstein is barking up the wrong tree. What needs to be done is clearing the Wallkill. Yes there are bog turtles and frogs we need to contend with. When the Wallkill is cleared, set aside areas for them to populate. Using the "unused expansion landfill site" would do further damage. I'm sure that during another flood, leakage from the toxins already placed in the earth near this watershed would hurt the lives of both bog turtle and frog, and the people who live in the surrounding area. We need a more commonsense approach to our flooding problems! Until a person comes forward with an in-depth solution, we need not look at propagandist letters to the editor that put farmers and the community at odds! Chad Bell Goshen