‘Please slow down’

| 19 Oct 2020 | 01:24

What if everyone in the Chamber of Commerce and every local insurance broker and every WVCSD school administrator and every village business owner and every Supermarket delivery van and every restaurant and every winery, distillery and craft beer delivery vehicle and every hospital employee, doctor, lawyer, past or present fire chief, every off duty volunteer firefightter or EMS, every off duty first responder, every teacher, every Jones Chemical truck driver, every lumber yard, every Lion or Rotarian or Odd Fellow or Elk or VFW or Mason, every WVT employee, everyone driving kids back and forth to school, every local contractor, every car dealer, every town and village employee, every bank employee, every priest, every rabbi, every monk and minister and imam and every town and village employee or contractor started driving the speed limit in the Village of Warwick?

West Street, South Street, Wheeler and Main Street are dangerous to moms with carriages, joggers, walkers and bicyclists.

The fact that West Street is residential and loaded with kids and parents going back and forth to the Middle and High Schools makes it ever more important.

Drivers on these streets constantly fly by at twice or often more than twice the 25 mph speed limit.

It’s not 55 in the village.

Residents put up their own signs.

The cops do everything they can but they can’t possibly have the impact that comes from each driver simply taking personal responsibility as a good neighbor.

When you drive the speed limit it has a ripple effect on everyone around you and the neighborhood.

Reach out to your friends and organizations and congregations.

Seriously take a breath and please slow down.

Patrick Gallagher
