Florida School Board member Rob Schueurmann: ‘He is working for us’

| 11 May 2021 | 02:00

    I am writing this letter to offer my support for one of our School Board members in our Florida School District. His name is Rob Schueurmann and he has been a fantastic addition to our school board since he was elected by our community in 2018.

    I have had two children in the Florida school system for over 10 years, and have seen many board members come and go, many of which unfortunately did not seem to be in tune with the concerns of the district’s parents.

    Over the last couple of years, Rob has been the voice for myself and so many parents in our village, during these board meetings where so many important decisions are made for our children’s school environment.

    Rob is the kind of person who can take a step back and look at issues from all perspectives and will speak up if he feels an agenda is going in the wrong direction, away from the concerns of the town as a whole, and the best direction for the kids.

    He is not the kind of person that will be persuaded to voting on a specific topic, just because everyone else is.

    He is always involved with the community in some way, and probably knows significantly more people than the mayor himself. For those readers in the Florida school district, please vote for Rob, he is working for us.

    Lisa Y. Mitchell
