Davis, Lillian and Eaton best for education

| 11 May 2021 | 04:41

    The effectiveness of any school district can be measured in its response to crises. Almost immediately after the country went into lockdown last March, the faculty, staff, administration and current WVSCD Board of Education members prioritized planning for in-person education.

    As a result, Warwick was the first district with more than 750 students to begin in-person instruction early last September and was well equipped with the technology for distance learning when necessary.

    As of now, all students- K -12 who selected full time in person instruction are in school five days a week. K-2nd grades have been in school five days a week since September, except for required pauses. Grades 3-4 became in-person in March, before most other comparably sized districts.

    During the pandemic most other Orange County schools closed one day a week for professional development, but Warwick maintained a five-day schedule, thus providing more than 30 additional days of learning compared to other districts. More than 700 families opted for distance learning and the district accommodated that preference.

    Throughout this challenging year, Warwick has offered its full schedule of courses. It has paused only at the direction of Health Department directives, which all schools are required to do.

    The incumbent candidates, Sharon Davis, Lynn Lillian and Dave Eaton, worked for these policies in order to offer the best education possible and to make schools safe while dealing with a pandemic. On May 18, please vote for vote for Sharon Davis, Lynn Lillian, and Dave Eaton, who have shown their dedication to students and to education.

    Paula Spector
