'A 14-year-old should not be given the power to choose about a public health matter'

| 03 Sep 2019 | 03:07

    So Brian Endrikat bemoans the Warwick Valley BOE’s decision to force all students to be vaccinated except for medical reasons.

    He states, according to The Warwick Advertiser, that he gave his 14 year old son the “choice” of being vaccinated and his 14-year-old apparently chose not to be vaccinated.

    Let me say that again: He gave his 14-year-old son the choice of being vaccinated?

    I see parents all the time asking their children, some toddlers, what they want to do – go shopping or go home; go with mommy or go with daddy?

    These little tykes are given way too much power way too early.

    A 14-year-old should not be given the power to choose about a public health matter like vaccination. The role of a parent is to make those hard decisions so as to benefit and protect his or her child.

    Thankfully, now there is a consequence to making a bone-headed decision.

    Mark Tatro
