Summer reading program underway at the Florida library
Florida The Florida Public Library kicked off its One World, Many Stories Summer Reading Program with a Pirate Party for all ages recently. The library also partnered with 10 businesses throughout the village of Florida to help promote summer reading with its One Village, Many Stories poster contest. Participating owners or their employees were photographed with their favorite book or magazine and the picture was incorporated into a READ poster that is hung inside their store or business. Those interested may stop in the library for an entry form with questions about the readers and the books featured in the posters. The more posters found and questions answered correctly, the more chance of winning a grand prize in the drawing to be held at the library’s second annual Ice Cream Social for all ages on Wednesday, Aug. 3, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Registration in-person or by phone is also still available for many summer events. The summer reading programs are for residents of the Florida Union Free School District. There is some availability for non-residents on a waiting list basis for some programs. Call the library, located at 4 Cohen Circle behind Village Hall in Florida, at 651-7659 for information.