Musicians from New York Philharmonic and Warwick Valley High School to perform together

Warwick. WVHS Chamber Orchestra will open the concert. Organizers hope to make the musical collaboration a yearly event.

| 19 Oct 2022 | 08:59

A woodwind quintet from the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and members of the Warwick Valley High School Chamber Orchestra will perform together on Sunday, October 30, at Hudson Sports Complex in Warwick. The chamber orchestra will open the concert.

“We had the Philharmonic musicians here last year for an outdoor concert on our soccer field,” recalled HSC President Raluca-Gold-Fuchs, “and it was a magical afternoon. We are excited to have the opportunity to recreate that magic again this year with additional magic courtesy of the high school’s chamber orchestra.”

Speaking on behalf of the school musicians, WVHS Chamber Orchestra conductor Elissa Maynard said, “The students and I are super excited to have the opportunity to share in this concert billing with such talented musicians as well as the opportunity to perform for our community. So much of what we do is about community and sharing the love and joy of music.”

The event organizers hope to make the concert the start of an annual tradition.

The concert will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the Hudson Sports Complex and last about one hour. The HSC is located in Wickham Woodlands, 122 State School Rd. Tickets, available at the gate and by advance purchase, are $10 for members of the Warwick Schools Community and $20 for the general public, with all surplus funds being shared by the Foxes Foundation and the Chamber Orchestra. For advance purchase, the school community should contact, while other should go to
The event organizers hope to make the concert the start of an annual tradition.