HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day brings new programs

Health. People Aging with HIV (PAWH) Pilot Initiative funds 10 entities across New York State providing services to promote well-being of adults 50+ living with HIV. Many are unaware of their HIV status and can get free testing by texting the word “WISDOM” to 40457.

| 18 Sep 2022 | 02:17

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) AIDS Institute recently recognized National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day, highlighting a new pilot program, People Aging with HIV (PAWH), to help improve the health and well-being of New Yorkers diagnosed with HIV and over 50 years of age.

“This day highlights the growing number of people living long and full lives with diagnosed HIV,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said. “Advances in treatment and robust health care services have altered the trajectory of this disease from being deadly for too many, to being a manageable, chronic illness for most. Our work continues to reduce HIV and other STI transmissions among older adults and address additional health challenges that often present for individuals over 50.”

In New York, 18 percent of individuals who were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2020 were over the age of 50. Of the more than 100,000 New Yorkers living with diagnosed HIV in 2020, 57 percent were age 50 or older. Still, too many individuals over 50 are unaware of their HIV status, resulting in a late diagnosis. Late diagnoses disproportionately impact people of color as 47 percent are Black/African American and 27 percent are Hispanic/Latino.

To address this, the AIDS Institute announces the release of $4 million dollars to fund the People Aging with HIV (PAWH) Pilot this year. The new program will fund up to 10 entities across New York State for five years to provide healthcare and supportive services to promote the overall health and well-being of people over age 50 and living with diagnosed HIV. The funding supports case management; health education; psychosocial support services; insurance navigation; cognitive, physical, and behavioral screening services; and peer support with a goal of reducing health disparities and health inequities.

Additional information and resources for New Yorkers living and aging with HIV/AIDS, including treatment plans, care options and paying for care, can be found in these documents:
1. HIV and Aging
2. Living and Aging with HIV
3. HIV and AIDS Facts
4. Older Adults and Sexual Health
And on these websites:
1. National Resource Center on Aging & HIV
2. HIV and Aging Clinical Guidelines
Eligible New Yorkers can also get HIV self-testing kits mailed to them at no cost by texting the word “WISDOM” to 40457. Tests are also available at low or no cost in many healthcare settings across the state. Find a site near you by visiting the CDC’s Test Site Locator.
In New York, 18 percent of individuals who were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2020 were over the age of 50. Of the more than 100,000 New Yorkers living with diagnosed HIV in 2020, 57 percent were age 50 or older. Still, too many individuals over 50 are unaware of their HIV status, resulting in a late diagnosis.