'Beauty and the Beast Jr.' plays Orange Hall in Middletown this weekend
MIDDLETOWN Acting Out Playhouse, in conjuction with SummerStar Theatre, will present “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” at Orange Hall Theatre on the SUNY Orange Middletown campus on Saturday, July 23, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, July 24, at 3 p.m. Based on the 1991 Tony Award winning show for Best Musical, Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” includes songs from the movie, including “Beauty and the Beast,” and “Be Our Guest.” The creative team for Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” includes director and choreographer Terry Odell and musical director Hannah Haskell Butler. The cast features: Diana Nyberg, Sydney Egan, Rebecca Garloch, Cory Tschinkel, Megan Ingber, Rae Lemieux, Mady Odell, Emily Hritz, Michael Pawliczek, Isabella Jardine, Kate Lerner, Erin Mezzetti, Sam Murphy, Amelia Pena, Lilly Schwartz, Neil Stevenson, Anthony Caraballo, Omni Freshko, Noelle Manelis, Laura Wurster, Devon Wuagneux, Natalie Manelis, Andrew Hoover, Chelsea Fox and Hannah Jones. The production is ideal for families with children ages 4 and up. Ticket prices are $15 general admission. Reserve tickets by emailing actingouttickets@gmail.com or at the box office the day of the performance. For information, call 341-4789 or visit www.theactingoutplayouse.com.