Albert Wisner Public Library hosts documentary exhibition 'Hadza: The Roots of Equality'

| 18 Oct 2018 | 06:58

— On Friday, Oct. 26 at 7 p.m., the Albert Wisner Public Library will host the opening reception of a multimedia exhibition documenting the Hadza tribe of Tanzania.
Produced by award-winning documentarians and academics Jon Cox, Katrin Redfern and Andrew Stern, the exhibit will present Hadza daily life, culture and knowledge through photography, an immersive soundscape, text and artifacts – including a traditional Hadza grass hut.
All proceeds raised from prints and book sales will go to the Dorobo Fund to secure land rights for the Hadza.
The opening will begin with an introduction by the producers followed by a short film on the Hadza people.
Refreshments will be served.
The exhibit will run through Jan. 12, 2019, on the main level of the library.
Hunter-gatherersLong before the social justice movements of today, humans were engaged in a living experiment in equality. Our common origins as egalitarian hunter-gatherers challenge the idea of human society as inherently selfish and competitive.
The Hadza, some of the last remaining hunter-gatherers on the planet, provide insight into our past and how we might imagine our future at a time when a reimagining is desperately needed.
The Hadza are living as they have for tens of thousands of years in one of the most iconic landscapes in the world, the savannahs and grasslands of Northern Tanzania.
They are an important example for our present and a people who are also our best hope for a continuing tie to our past.
What can this joyful, just and sustainable society teach us about how to live now?
The documentariansJon Cox is a National Geographic Explorer, an assistant professor in the Department of Art and Design at the University of Delaware, Board Member of the Dorobo Fund for Tanzania and Board member of the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research.
Katrin Redfern is a multimedia journalist, writer and producer who reports on human rights and conservation. She has written for the BBC, The Daily Beast, The Indypendent, and Huffington Post, among others.
Andrew Stern is a photographer and journalist whose work has taken him to the planet's farthest reaches on many projects. His work has won numerous awards and has appeared in Harpers, The New York Times, Readers Digest, The Guardian and many other publications both domestically and internationally.
For more information on the Hadza, visit